Thursday, December 30, 2021

Life in Florida - Time for a new car?

 With a new job in Fort Myers and a dependent family in Jacksonville, I've been driving my car 7 hours each way, taking the side roads.  (I'd get angry motorists on the Interstate; best and most gas efficient speed is 50mph.)  So, I'm using my car on long highway trips, and clearly my car is not a highway machine, especially since I don't have overdrive.  In the last ten miles of the most recent Christmas journey, I started hearing strange noises in third gear.  

The car has needed tuning for a while and a good lube job.  I've got it on stands and am finding all the nibs with the help of my owner's manual. 

I'm going to spend the next few days following the lubrication instructions in the owner's manual until a nearby repair shop opens for the new year.  (They're on vacation.)  Let's see if I can find the source of the noise as I lube and tune.  With God and Tech on my side, it's a loose body panel or something simple.