Saturday, December 14, 2013

(51620 mi) Slow Oil Leak... a gasket perhaps?

For awhile, the Chrysler has been experiencing a slow leak in oil.  It always showed after a long run and always on the pavement.  Examining the engine, the source of the leak never seemed obvious.  Was it the oil pan plug? Was it the full flow oil filter?  From where was it issuing?

While developing the modeled interior of a functioning L-Head engine, it occurred to me that the source of the trouble may be the oil pump, more specifically the cover gasket.

In the end, I purchased a gasket online and replaced the old stiff rubber gasket with a relatively new and pliable one.  I checked the true flatness of the oil pump cover, and it was flat.  I proceeded to change the oil and filter just to cover all the bases.  With the adjustments to the wiring, I believe that we're ready for a test on the road.